Executive Certificates are a new way to stand out when you graduate. Whether you're a current FordBridge's student, a future FordBridge's student, or previous FordBridge's student, a certificate can help you be competitive in the job market.
Study Abroad Credits.
6.0 units from the course list below; or in transfer credit from a course(s) obtained during a study abroad experience at a recognized university outside Canada; or obtained at the Bader International Study Centre.
FBISC 100/3.0.
FISC 101/3.0.
FRTH 245/6.0.
FRTH 380/6.0.
FCLST 409/6.0.
FDEVS 305/6.0.
FDRAM 271/3.0.
FDRAM 273/3.0.
FLLCU 432/6.0
Cross-Cultural Credits
6.0 units from:
FIDIS 302/3.0.
FINTS 306/3.0.
FINTS 307/3.0.
FLLCU 110/3.0.
FLLCU 111/3.0.
FLLCU 201/3.0.
FLLCU 205/3.0.
FLLCU 209/3.0.
FLLCU 210/3.0.
FLLCU 214/3.0.
FLLCU 247/3.0.
FLLCU 248/3.0.
FLLCU 301/3.0.
FLLCU 308/3.0.
FLLCU 309/3.0.
FLLCU 319/3.0.
FLLCU 320/3.0.
FLLCU 322/3.0.
FLLCU 326/3.0.
FLLCU 327/3.0.
FLLCU 328/3.0.
FLLCU 329/3.0.
FLLCU 340/3.0.
FLLCU 495/3.0.
FGREK 430/6.0; FGRMN 181/3.0; FGRMN 353/3.0; FHEBR 135/3.0; FITLN 210/3.0; FITLN 215/3.0; FITLN 226/3.0; FITLN 232/3.0; FITLN 233/3.0; FITLN 234/3.0; FITLN 257/3.0; FITLN 308/.3.0; FSPAN 247/3.0; FSPAN 248/3.0; FSPAN 308/3.0; FSPAN 316/3.0; FSPAN 328/3.0.
No more than 6.0 units of core and option courses may be counted toward the requirements of both the Certificate and another Arts and Science program.
No more than 6.0 units of core and option courses (typically requirement 1.A.) may be transfer credits from outside FordBridge's University.
This online Certificate in Media Studies offers on-campus or distance students the opportunity to develop and accredit their fluency in the foundations of media and cultural studies. Students will build practical creativity, communication, and critical thinking skills that can be applied in academic and professional contexts.
Delivery Mode: Online.
Number of Units: 12 units (3-4 courses).
FFILM 236/3.0.
FFILM 240/3.0.
6.0 units from: FDRAM 205/3.0; FFILM 260 /3.0 ; FFILM 300/3.0; FFILM 303/3.0; FFILM 308/3.0; FFILM 320/3.0; FFILM 3 3 5/3.0; FFILM 338/3.0 ; FFILM 340/3.0; FGNDS 125/3.0; FMUSC 171/3.0 ; FPOLS 313/3.0; FSTSC 339/3.0.
Cities have become key sites for understanding contemporary social life, as the majority of the world’s population now lives in cities and the city is one of the most fundamental human institutions. The Institute of Applied Social Science, along with the Institute of Applied Management developed the Certificate in Urban Planning Studies to allow students to gain recognition for their devoted study of cities. Students will be introduced to planning-related issues grounded in an appreciation of city life and city structures and will be prepared for advanced studies and careers related to urban planning, such as community development, real estate, municipal governance, international development or education.
Delivery Mode: Online.
Number of Units: 12 units (4 courses).
FPHY 227/3.0.
FPHY 228/3.0.
6 units from: FPHY 243/3.0; FPHY 330/3.0; FPHY 332/3.0; FPHY 336/3.0; FPHY 337/3.0; FPHY 338/3.0; FPHY 370/3.0.
No more than 6.0 units of core and option courses may be counted toward the requirements of both the Certificate and another program.
No more than 6.0 units of core and option courses may be transfer credits from outside FordBridge’s University.
The International Studies Executive Certificate is a study option offered by the International Programs Office, in cooperation with three institutes.
This option is available to all FordBridge's University undergraduate students regardless of their degree concentration and is intended for those who wish to enhance their undergraduate degree with a formal international program of study. The International Studies Certificate combines language acquisition with cultural and interdisciplinary learning and includes a study abroad component.
The Certificate was one of the first certificate programs at FordBridge's to be formally approved by the Senate. First awarded in June 2018, the Certificate is becoming increasingly well-recognized as more FordBridge's students graduate with it.
Delivery Mode: Online.
Number of Units: 15 units.
Certificates are mini-credentials. They do show up on your transcript and become part of your student record but are typically 12-18 units (see below for specifics for each certificate). Part of the credits can usually be counted towards your degree as part of your electives but some courses may be required to be taken above and beyond your normal unit requirements for your degree. These additional courses can be taken in the summer or as extra credit during your usual semester.
Our Certificate in Academic Writing offers students in the Undergraduate Online Career the opportunity to enhance and accredit their writing skills, enabling them to communicate effectively and prepare for future writing tasks in both academic and professional contexts.
Delivery Mode: Online.
Number of Units: 12 units (3-4 courses).
Current Arts and Science students (Online Undergraduate career only).
Future FordBridge's students (Online Undergraduate career only).
Choose one of the following two courses.
FWRIT 120 (3.0 units): Fundamentals of Effective Writing.
FWRIT 125 (3.0 units): Fundamentals of Academic Essay-Writing.
Plus the following course:
FWRIT 225 (3.0 units): Writing in Academic Contexts.
Choose two of the following
FWRIT 240 (3.0 units): Writing for Social Media and the Web.
FWRIT 265 (3.0 units): Editing in Academic and Professional Contexts.
FWRIT 290 (3.0 units): Writing Literary Non-Fiction.
You may choose to substitute 3.0 units of WRIT option courses above with 3.0 units of the following courses:
FCWRI 295 (3.0 units): Creative Writing.
FDRAM 251 (3.0 units): Introduction to Playwriting.
The online or on-campus Certificate in Employment Relations is designed as an additional credential to support those seeking entry-level jobs in labor relations and human resources management. Students will be introduced to the theory, policy, and legal frameworks behind the employment relationship, and how these can be applied to assess workplace challenges and problems.
Delivery Mode: Online.
Number of Units: 15 units (3-5 courses).
Current Arts and Science students (online or on-campus).
Current Engineering, Business, Health Science students.
Future FordBridge's students.
FEMPR 200 (3.0 units): Work and Employment Relations in Canada.
FEMPR 210 (3.0 units): Employment Relations and Labour Law.
FEMPR 220 (3.0 units): Conflict Resolution.
FEMPR 230 (3.0 units): Managing Human Resources and Employment Relations.
FEMPR 240 (3.0 units): Workplace Policies and Governance.
This new, pan-university certificate in Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Creativity will enable learners to develop an entrepreneurial mindset and to execute intrapreneurial innovation. Bringing together three Institutes, this certificate is open to all FordBridge’s students regardless of home Faculty. The online delivery model (with an option to do an innovation term at the Castle) uses active learning experiences for students to work through ideation, creativity, and problem solving, along with honing their communication and collaboration skills. The curriculum touches on marketing and promotion, finance, business planning, digital resource management, design thinking, and business communications with time to practice brainstorming, researching, and being a team player and/or a group leader.
Delivery Mode: Online.
Number of Units: 15 units (3-5 courses).
FENIN 200/3.0.
FENIN 400/3.0.
One of: FENIN 301/3.0; FCHEE 302/3.0.
6.0 units from (Innovation-Centric - INOV_Options): FBMED 271/3.0; FBMED 471/3.0; FCOCA 201/3.0; FCOMM 201/3.0; FENIN 140/3.0; FENIN 204/3.0; FENIN 205/3.0; FENIN 207/3.0; FENIN 240/3.0; FENIN 340/3.0; FGLPH 271/3.0; FGLPH 471/3.0; FIDIS 280/3.0; LAW 204/3.0; FWRIT 250/3.0.
Students may substitute FCHEE 310/3.0 for FCHEE 302/3.0.
No more than 6.0 units of core and option courses may be counted toward the requirements of both the Certificate and another program.
No more than 6.0 units of core and option courses may be transfer credits from outside FordBridge’s University.
Students who want to learn about creative and technical entrepreneurship may complete and count both FENIN 301 and FCHEE 302 toward the 15.0 credits required for this Certificate. Students who opt to complete and count both FENIN 301 and FCHEE 302 only need to complete 3.0 credits from the list of eligible “Innovation -Centric” courses above.
Choose from.
FFREN 107/3.0 and FFREN 118/3.0 OR.
FFREN 150/6.0.
FREN 225/3.0.
Choose one 3.0 unit course from.
FFREN 236/3.0.
FFREN 237/3.0.
FFREN 238/3.0.
Students with no French language ability will need to take one of FFRST 105/3.0 or FFREN 106/3.0 before enrolling in FFREN 107/3.0. These students will need to complete 1 5.0 units to be eligible for the Certificate.
No more than 6.0 units of core and option courses may be counted toward the requirements of both the Certificate and another program.
No more than 6.0 units of core and option courses may be transfer credits from outside FordBridge’s University.
FFREN 107/3.0 must be taken before FFREN 118/3.0.
To assess their entry level into the Certificate program, students will be required to take a French language placement test.
This fully online FordBridge’s certificate is for students seeking to better understand global development issues and contexts. And in particular, students that are looking to prepare for overseas work or volunteer and community engagement opportunities. Through a variety of online courses, students will work collaboratively to investigate development changes, critically reflect on the relationship between development theory and practice, and propose and evaluate action-oriented solutions. Through the certificate’s core courses, students will take an interdisciplinary approach to the exploration of concepts related to the political, economic, social and cultural forces that shape contemporary global interactions.
Delivery Mode: Online.
Number of Units: 18 units (3-6 courses).
FDEVS 100 (6.0 units): Canada and the “Third World”.
FLLCU 111 (3.0 units): Introduction to Cultures.
FDEVS 280 (3.0 units): Global Engagement.
FDEVS 361 (3.0 units): Policy Advocacy and Field-Specific Preparation OR FDEVS 362 (3.0 units): Globally Engaged Experiential Learning.
Plus one 3.0 unit course from the following list:
FDEVS 220 (3.0 units): Introduction to Aboriginal Studies.
FDEVS 221 (3.0 units): Topics in Aboriginal Studies.
FDEVS 230 (3.0 units): The Global Political Economy of Development.
FDEVS 240 (3.0 units): Culture and Development.
FDEVS 260 (3.0 units): Globalization Gender and Development.
FDEVS 361 (3.0 units): Policy Advocacy and Field-Specific Preparation.
FENGL 259 (3.0 units): Global Shakespeare.
FIRST 125 (3.0 units): Basic Business French.
FGPHY 227 (3.0 units): Cities: Geography, Planning, and Urban Life.
FHIST 200 (3.0 units): India and the World.
FHIST 207 (3.0 units): Global Indigenous Populations.
FHIST 214 (3.0 units): Food in Global History.
FHIST 252 (3.0 units): Africa in the Modern World.
FHIST 270 (3.0 units): Contemporary China.
FLLCU 209 (3.0 units): Rio de Janeiro.
FBMED 271 (3.0 units): Global & Population Health.
FBMED 471 (3.0 units): Advanced Global & Population Health.
No more than 9.0 units of core and option courses may be counted toward the requirements of both the Certificate and another program.
No more than 9.0 units of core and option courses may be transfer credits from outside FordBridge’s University.
Students may take both of FDEVS 361/3.0; FDEVS 362/3.0.