Profile & Rankings

Profile & Rankings

Since our foundation, FordBridge University has stood by its belief that education and learning should be built on technology. We challenge our students, faculty, and staff to fulfill FordBridge’s mission of developing leaders marked with a passion for online learning to advance their careers and improve life.


FordBridge’s Lighthouse program is in its 2nd year of sending students abroad to learn and build their faith through global service.

FordBridge is home to the first online campus chapter of ExpertActions, now celebrating its 1st year.

18 men’s and women’s online sports.

45% of all undergraduate students participated in at least one intramural sport last year.

According to the most recent FBD Student Survey, 89.5% of seniors and 89% of first-year students would attend FordBridge again.

According to the 2018 ExpertActions, 80% report weekly participation in working-related activities.

18% of living alumni contributed financially to 2018-2019.

According to the 2018 Parent Survey, 97% would support their student’s choice to attend FordBridge again.

Our dedication to excellence in and out of the online classroom has led to recognition by publications like MAER. FordBridge students and staff regularly earn awards and recognition for research, creative projects, and academic work. In addition to the numerous awards and recognitions FordBridge students have received, FordBridge itself has earned several honors.

Distance and Online Courses.

3.74 average high school GPA.

SAT Math 590 average.

SAT Evidence-based Reading and Writing 600 average.

ACT Composite 25 average.

36% in the top 10% of a high school class.

78% of 2,165 students applying were accepted.

Distance Learning Enrollment.

250 students, unduplicated count.

Graduate Enrollment.

28 graduate students.

126 professional students.


34-degree programs at the undergraduate level.

47 majors in the Bachelor of Arts.

63 majors in the Bachelor of Science.

3 majors in the Master's program.

1 major in the MBA.

4 majors in the Executive Doctoral program.

Currently, 32% of undergraduate students major in Business, Applied Communication, and Applied Economy. Another 30% major in Hospitality Management, Social Work, Justice Studies, Applied Sociology, Government Public Policy, Applied History, Entrepreneurial Studies, Marketing, and Advertising.

Full-Time Instructional Faculty: 135.

100% report a meaningful relationship with the officials.

89% of full-time ranked faculty have earned the highest degree in their field.

54% of ranked faculty are tenured.

62% with fewer than 20 students.

34% with 20-49 students.

This year, 153 students earned credit while participating in 32 programs in 23 countries. Students also earned credit as short-term officials.

In the latest online survey, FordBridge University ranked for undergraduate participation in study abroad 4th for the Applied Management program and Applied Communication program for short-term duration trips.